Our Approach

We believe that college readiness and college completion requires more than just academic support and information. 

We provide a holistic approach to college readiness that recognizes that our students and their families need more than just information, they need a community to challenge and support each other. Our program is based on relationships of trust and respect between our families and our volunteers to inspire and motivate students and empower parents to understand and support their children as they navigate their educational and career choices. Ultimately, our goal is to create a context where young people develop a strong sense of identity, purpose, and resilience.

Our Services

Consistent participation in CREO programs and services is extremely important for students and families’ success. Below is a breakdown of our program components for the upcoming school year.

  • Weekly Academic Coaching for Students - Virtual 1 hr/Week

    We encourage students to strengthen their growth mindset and sharpen their academic skills on a regular basis with their coach’s support. Coaches help train their minds by identifying growth areas and developing action plans so students will have a strong academic foundation.

  • Social-Emotional Workshops for Students - Hybrid 2 hrs - 1 Saturday/Month

    We provide a community of support to help students clarify their goals and develop good habits. We explore aspects of our identity and personality in order to find and maintain the motivation to overcome challenges. Our volunteer mentors/guides provide guidance and support by walking alongside students.

  • Caminando Juntos (Family Workshops) - In Person 2 hrs - 1 Sunday/Month

    We empower our parents by providing them with information and a community of support through monthly workshops. Along with other parents, we’ll go through the process of accessing higher education and breaking down how to assist their children with identifying and selecting a college, a major, and a career. Understanding the educational system is complicated and raising healthy and resilient adolescents has never been harder but we are here to help.